Play Nourish Thrive: Our Three Main Objectives - Play Nourish Thrive

Play Nourish Thrive: Our Three Main Objectives

Research shows that new parents appreciate (accessible) informational support about the realities of parenthood.(1)✅

Especially when we are asking the question:

‘Is this normal?’ 🤷‍♀️

Whether it be our own adjustment to parenthood (matrescence and patrescence), or sleep, feeding, changes in relationships etc. These questions come up many many times as a new parent.

We have all been told at some point not to go down a google rabbit hole trying to find answers 🐇 However, parents report feeling too vulnerable to open up to health professionals and others, for fear of being judged.(2)

So where does that leave us?

Social media has become a huge source of information and comfort for modern day parents📱 However, not all social media platforms and/or pages within the platforms are made equally.

You see a lot of judgement and all or nothing thinking that can make even the most discerning parent feel like they are failing 🙇‍♀️

But research shows that what might work for one family in one context may not necessarily work for another. And that is ok! 👍

I have consequently thought very carefully about what my objectives are for @playnourishthrive.

In order to create an informational, non-judgemental space, which considers the holistic experience of being a new parent, my objectives are:

💥Use peer-reviewed research to discuss the realities of parenthood, so you know that you are not alone
💥Empower parents to seek out support
💥Provide a selection of high-quality, safe, tried and tested products for new parents and their babies (no gimmicks!!)

Play Nourish Thrive Three Main Objectives

1. McLeish et al. 2020 (in press). Women and Birth
2. Entsieh et al. 2016. Midwifery
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